

Going Meta





Ulysses Belz

Painter and printmaker


Ulysses Belz was born in Mainz / Germany on 12 of March 1958.

After school he starts an apprenticeship as a restorator of books at the "Werkstatt Schoy" in Essen and finishes with a diploma in fine bookbinding in 1979.

In 1980 he is admitted at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris where he studies until 1984 in the classes of Jean-Marie Granier and Pierre Courtin. Leaving Paris in 1984, he opens a gallery in the old center of Athens, in the Street of the Tripods (Odos Tripodon 18) where he works from 1984 to 1989. The Goethe-Institute Athens shows his work in a first solo exhibition in 1987. After returning to Germany, first solo exhibition at Gallery Gres, Frankfurt 1980, followed by various exhibitions in Frankfurt and Berlin.

After moving to Madrid in 1992 he lives in Spain until 1999 with exhibitions at Gallery Seiquer (ARCO Art Fair, Madrid) and at the Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid. The discovery of the Spanish painting tradition through its originals is the principal experience of these years.

In 2000 UB edits his major printwork in two volumes (« Die Ewigkeit ist ein spielendes Kind auf dem Thron ») together with German scientists, media experts and the poet Botho Strauss. This « paper monument to the presocratics » is distributed through Gallery Druck & Buch, Tübingen / Vienna. and subsequently purchased by prominent institutional collections such as the Library of Fine Arts Academy, Vienna or Butler Library at Columbia University, NY/USA. (see list of collections below)

From 2000 to 2004 Belz lives in Riga / Latvia. His first museum exhibition is presented in the Foreign Art Museum of Latvia in 2002. With this exposition begins a ten-year cooperation with the renowned art collector and dealer Dr. Alfred Gunzenhauser, Munich. Various exhibitions with or at Gunzenhauser Gallery follow. The Lenbachhaus / Munich purchases two oil-paintings for its permanent collection. The Museum Gunzenhauser / Chemnitz, inaugurated in 2005, includes works of Ulysses Belz as well.

In 2004 UB returns to Paris where he lives and works in his own studio Rue Pajol 41 until 2010. Cooperation with renowned scientist and expert of philosophy of conscience, Joëlle Proust, ENS/CNRS, confirms UB on his way to a new « language » in painting. (cf. text of Joelle Proust « Why is Ulysses Belz going meta ? »). The first exhibition of « Metacognitive Painting » is inaugurated in october 2010 by J. Proust. at Galerie Immannence / Paris.

In 2010 Ulysses Belz moves back to Germany and lives now in Burgrain, Bavaria. New cooperations have started since then with Senger Fine Art, Bamberg and Heldenreizer Junge Kunst, Munich in Germany.

Works in Public Collections